Monday, November 16, 2009

more parivritta trikonasana pictures

"Yoga Journal - Revolved Triangle Pose." Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and Off the Mat - Namaste. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. .

picture of Parivritta Trikonasana

this is a picture of me completing the pose Parivritta Trikonasana. This pose can be done against a wall, which helps with balance or without a wall. It is also helpful to use a yoga block, which is shown in the image to the right. I really like this pose because it helps to loosen up my legs, hips and arms. It is also very calming, it takes my mind off things and allows me to have fun trying to get it right.

yogi bear: how to draw

Step 1:

step 2:

step 3:

step 4:

this is just for fun and doesn't really have anything to do with yoga. "How To Draw Yogi The Bear, Step by Step, Other, Cartoon Characters, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial.", Learn How to Draw Step by Step, Draw Dragons, Draw People, Draw Tattoos, Draw Cars & More, Free Online! Web. 16 Nov. 2009. .

Monday, November 2, 2009

Parivritta Trikonasana

Parivritta Trikonasana translates to revolved triangle pose in English.
step 1 stand in tadasana, with your feet planted firmly,back straight and hands at your side.
step 2: on the outward breath step your feet apart, 3-4 feet, with one of them turned inwards 60 degrees, make sure that it's not painful. Before moving on spread your toes and make sure that you are steady, then reach your arms out to shoulder height. Stretch one arm out particularly accordingly to which side of your body you are trying to stretch, your torso should also be stretched out. Make sure to open your chest, it's better for your back.
step 3: while exhaling twist your torso and square your hips so that you are now looking off to the side. As you are twisting your torso your arms should also be shifting position. One hand should be stretched up into the air while the other is touching the ground next to your leg, the one that is stretched out straight.
Step 4: As you are in Parivritta Trikonasana with your breath focus on loosening muscles have gotten to tight. Remain in posture for five breaths.
Step 5:As you exhale uncoil from your twist and on your inhale stand up. Repeat posture for other side, as many times as needed.

More info on Parivritta Trikonasana: Some benefits of Parivritta Trikonasana are that it is good for relieving back pain, stretches your hips and spine, and helps to relieve asthma.

cited sources:"Parivrtta Trikonasana." Health & Fitness. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. .
Yoga Information - Yoga Products & Resources. Web. 26 Oct. 2009. .